Ministries at Faith
We are so excited for you as you start your journey of faith. Here are a few ways we can help you as you begin to grow in your walk with Christ.
Children’s Ministry
Explore the Bible with various Teachers. The children are taught basic theological lessons about the trinity, church, prayer, sin, obedience and most-importantly the gospel. A variety of teaching methods are used and the children are given opportunities to memorize scripture, interact with each other in a worship setting, worship the Lord in song and pray.
Sunday’s 9:00AM | 10:30AM, Wednesday’s 6:00PM
It is our great pleasure to welcome your child in Jesus' name. The Faith Church Nursery is a ministry for infant through 3-year-old children. The Nursery is available for your children to come during Sunday Worship (9:00AM, 10:30AM), Wednesday Nights (6:00PM) and other church activities.
Youth Ministry
Faith Church Youth Ministries is committed to helping the youth (6th - 12th grade) know their God, grow in their faith and love their neighbor. We have an incredible team of trained volunteers led by our Ministry leader, Ben Staley.
We have a weekly youth group meeting called “Brooksville Youth” (Sun @ 6:00PM) and a weekly Bible study (Wed @ 6:00PM). We also do a yearly weekend retreat and in the summers we do mission trips.
Sunday’s 9:00AM | 6:00PM, Wednesday’s 6:00PM
Women’s Ministry
We believe the women are important for God and a vital part of His kingdom. Through the fellowship of women in the church, we can mentor to each other through the power of the Holy Spirit. Our purpose is to grow each woman in their walk to be more Christ-like. Discover and use our spiritual gifts.
Every woman, whether member, or a regular attendee of our church, is an essential part of the women’s ministry at Faith.
Men of Faith
The Men of Faith enjoy fellowship with one another providing service to the Church, and reaching out to the community and youth. Men of Faith understands that young men, women, and youth need real Christian men in their lives. As sons of God, it is our supreme honor and duty to lay down our life for our wives in love, to discipline and lovingly guide our children, and to seek God's face by immersing ourselves in the study of His Word. By doing this, we pray that God would be pleased to influence and transform the culture around us, and bring glory to His name.
Wednesday Night Bible Studies
A weekly Bible study, meeting in the Fellowship Hall - Pastor Anthony teaching the class. Classes for all ages - Youth, Children and a Nursery.
Music Ministry
We believe that the Scriptures clearly teach that music is one avenue by which the human soul expresses its adoration and exaltation of God's work through His Son Jesus Christ.
"Speak to one another with psalms, hymns and spiritual songs. Sing and make music in your heart to the Lord, always giving thanks to God the Father for everything, in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ" (Ephesians 5:19-20).
We have a variety of weekly events to support you on your faith journey. Click below to find out what's happening this week at Faith Church.
Grow Groups
These small groups are a great place for you to connect with God and one another to grow in faith together.
Details of all the Grow Group can be found here.
Classes for all ages - Youth, Children and a Nursery.
Building Use
Faith Church welcomes people from the community to use our facilities for events as detailed below.
Please complete our Building Use form here and we will reach out to you within 48 hours.
Getting Married? Faith Church is the perfect wedding site for Christian couples seeking an intimate, picturesque setting for their special day. Weddings are an important time in the life of a Christian man and a woman. Upon request and review, Faith Church is pleased to make available its facilities to believers who are getting married. If you would like to consider getting married here, please contact the church.
It is our desire to walk alongside you in times of loss. We offer our facilities as they are available during the week. If we are unable to accommodate your request, one of our pastors would be honored to conduct a memorial service on your behalf at a local funeral home of your choosing.