Men of Faith
The Men of Faith is a ministry of Faith Church and a fraternity of Christian men enjoying fellowship with one another, providing service to the Church, and reaching out to the community and youth. Men of Faith understands that young men, women, and youth need real Christian men in their lives. As sons of God, it is our supreme honor and duty to lay down our life for our wives in love, to discipline and lovingly guide our children, and to seek God's face by immersing ourselves in the study of His Word. By doing this, we pray that God would be pleased to influence and transform the culture around us, and bring glory to His name.
Meetings: The Men of Faith help with projects as requested. All men are welcome!
We invite you to be part of our contact list for future emails, events and volunteering. Click here.
Special Events:
The Men of Faith meet for a Bible study on the 1st and 3rd Thursday of each month in the Library at Faith church at 7:00PM. Led by Doug Dempsey.
Tuesday Morning Prayer Group at 7:00AM in the Library.
1st Saturday of each month at 8:00AM, meeting in the Double Classroom of the Family Life Center - Men of Faith breakfast with a devotion - led by Doug Dempsey. Come and join us and invite a friend.
Last Saturday of each month breakfast at Luigi’s in Brooksville at 8:00AM.