Being Transformed: The Foundations of Christian Faith and Growth led by Carolyn Bronson
6 week study -Thursday Nights @ 6:00-7:30, starting February 1st/ Ending March 7th
Double Classroom. No book purchase needed.
When you're gripped by the astonishing fact of Christ's love for you, you desire to draw close to Him. But what can you do to deepen your relationship with Jesus? What does He expect of you, and how can you be more like Him? In Being Transformed, we will study the essential elements of the Christian life both from the 10,000 ft. view and the practical up close view. You'll learn how to feed your spiritual life through taking in the Scriptures- rely on the Holy Spirit in obedience, worship and prayer-trust God during life's trials- and contribute your unique gifts to serve others. Whether you're a new Christian seeking direction in growing spiritually or a time-tested saint looking for a refresher, our desire is that, Being Transformed, will equip you further with a solid foundation for genuine growth in spiritual maturity and love for Christ.